What’s everyone playing this weekend?

This weekly update of Strategy and Wargaming news was so poorly furnished you could mistaken it for any European Art Museums after World War 2. Nevertheless, weekend is here and as always, the question presents itself? What to play with all this free time?

SGS Afrika Korps: Tunisia – The folk at Avalon Digital were nice enough to allow me to take an early look into their upcoming Tunisian scuffle. The game is releasing at the end of September so this one is going for a spin across several weekends before I finally pen my thoughts into paper.

XCOM Enemy Unknown – Undoubtedly, one of my all time favourites. The reboot of Julian’s Gollop classic was a massive hit when it came out in 2012. Now nearly a decade old, this revolutionary reimagining of the genre proved there’s still a lot of room for improvement for turn based strategy games, launching the genre into a new golden age (I’ll fight you if you disagree); not only that, but XCOM 2 also gave the formula another whirl and even the unpopular Chimera Squad managed to reinvent itself into a smaller format. This is one of those games anyone remotely interested in the genre should give it a go, even if you aren’t, XCOM is indeed a glorious masterpiece. I’m writing a retrospective about XCOM, coming soon.

Decisive Campaigns: The Blitzkrieg from Warsaw to Paris – I honestly doubt there’s going to be enough time to fit this one in but the fact that I’m writing a massive World War 2 article on the best 50 games about it means that this venerable franchise cannot remain unplayed.

And you, my favourite reader, what you playing this fine weekend?

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One response to “What’s everyone playing this weekend?”

  1. For SGS, you’ll find more informations on the official website, at this adress : strategygamestudio.com


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